







»Online grupla akran süpervizyonu« reduces burnout among school counsellors

In a recent study at Istanbul Mayis 29 University, Prof. Dr. Şeyma Güldal and colleagues (2022) investigated the extent to which live online peer group supervision (Turkish: »online grupla akran süpervizyonu«) affects the burnout level of school counsellors. The researchers implemented a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-control group study design.

A group of eight school counsellors from the Üsküdar district of Istanbul voluntarily participated in an eight-week live online peer group supervision programme in late 2020/early 2021. The programme consisted of eight 90-minute sessions on peer group supervision at one-week intervals. In each session, participants presented actual cases, which were then discussed together in a structured way. The control group of eight school counsellors – which was comparable in many respects – did not participate in any corresponding programme during this period.

In order to examine the effects of the intervention, the researchers analysed qualitative and quantitative data. Among other measures, a Turkish-language version of the »Psychological Counselor Burnout Inventory« was used. The statistical analysis of the data from the intervention and control group led the researchers to conclude that participation in online peer group supervision helped to significantly reduce burnout in the participating school counsellors: »According to the quantitative findings, the posttest burn-out score of the experimental group decreased significantly compared to the control group.« They sum up: »Findings demonstrate that online peer supervision group is effective in reducing the burnout levels of school counselors.«

Based on the collected qualitative data, the researchers assume the positive group atmosphere which is associated with acceptance, trust, and sincerity, plays a crucial role. In addition, they emphasise that supportive attitudes and the deliberate guidance of the peer supervision process, among other things, contribute to the positive effects.

Güldal, Ş. T., Püsür, R., & Şayan, D. (2022). Online grupla akran süpervizyonu çalışmasının okul psikolojik danışmanlarının tükenmişlik düzeyine etkisi. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 55, 173–196. doi:10.15285/maruaebd.956040

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