







Two recent studies from Germany and Australia shed light on the effects of peer group supervision in the field of nursing

Peer group supervision in health and nursing education

In the journal PADUA, Sandra Seitz und Prof. Dr. Christine Brendebach (2022) outline an evaluation study investigating how peer group supervision according to the model of Dr. Kim-Oliver Tietze affects trainees in health care and nursing. A total of 29 trainees at a nursing school in Bavaria were introduced to the methodology. They practised peer group supervision autonomously in peer groups over seven months. Two assessments at the beginning (after the methodological introduction) and at the end of the training period took place that asked participants to complete online questionnaires.

According to the authors, the evaluation of the accompanying study revealed »that the trainees primarily use the instrument of peer group supervision to exchange views on emotionally stressful situations and to work through events they have experienced in practice«. In addition, there were »indications of positive changes in solving work-related practical problems, an improved ability to reflect and a strengthening of interactional competence. The quality of work, teamwork and self-reflection as well as external reflection improved significantly«.

Seitz, S., & Brendebach, C. (2022). Kollegiale Beratung in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeausbildung: Eine wirksame Methode seinen Gefühlen Ausdruck zu verleihen. PADUA, 17(1), 31–36. doi:10.1024/1861-6186/a000658

Peer group supervision for community health nurses

In a study from Australia, Tracey Tulleners and colleagues (2022) examined the experiences of community health nurses with peer group supervision. The role as community health nurse is not yet widespread in Germany, although its introduction has been included as a goal in the coalition agreement of the federal government in 2021.

A total sample of 13 community health nurses were interviewed in-depth about their experiences with peer group supervision. The hermeneutic data analysis yielded three perspectives. The first perspective emphasises the value of peer group supervision for the participants: the sense of bond and community it created, the strengthening of self-esteem, and the learning from feedback. The second perspective involves experiencing unique support as well as trust and confidentiality within the group. The third perspective of the »game changers« emphasises the importance of rules and structure as well as a confidential and protected group climate for the success of peer group supervision. The authors conclude that peer group supervision guidance with its guidelines is considered effective in practice.

Tulleners, T., Taylor, M., & Campbell, C. (2022). Peer group clinical supervision for community health nurses: Perspectives from an interpretive hermeneutic study. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(3), 684–693. doi:10.1111/jonm.13535

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